Washington DC Exterior Painting

Exterior painting is our specialty. Protecting your home from the elements and sprucing up your exterior is what we do best. We take the time to make sure that your Washington DC home is properly washed, scraped, sanded, caulked, and primed, so that when it’s time for the paint to go on, the house is ready. With our extensive prep work, we make sure to deliver a paint job that will last.

Kopeck's home painting service can give your house in Warrentown or Northern VA a new look.

Quality Work with Lasting Solutions

Whether you are looking for routine painting to keep the moisture out of your home, or simply to freshen up the exterior of your house, we will write up a customized estimate that will reflect your needs. With our quality paint job and attention to detail, your house will be sparkling clean and safe from the elements. When needed, we offer pressure washing to help prep the area as well. From full exterior paint jobs to just a trim touch up, we provide lasting and affordable exterior painting solutions, including:

  • Wood siding, vinyl & Hardie board siding, stucco, brick & all types of composite siding
  • Sheds, barns, garages & guest houses
  • Pergolas & patio covers
  • Doors & shutters
  • Deck staining
  • Decks & fences (any size)
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